Dear Family,
I am still doing great, and thank you for
the letters! They all mean a lot, keep it up! So today is
Pday, we just finished shopping and we’ve got an activity later. I’m
continuing to learn so much from the people, and the Spirit, and love it here
so much. So before Saturday, we had NEVER taught a COMPLETE
lesson to an investigator. On Saturday and Sunday though, we did 3 to 3
different investigators! First, on Saturday night, we went to see the M's.
They have been long time members. We got to teach two of their grandkids
and they are 9 and 8. The kids were very reverent and interested.
We taught them the first lesson and it was a really cool experience. We
were able to have a lot of fun with them, and still teach and have the
Spirit. They were really excited and interested especially in things like
prayer and eternal families. It felt so good, and they were so excited
about prayer especially. The feelings I had in there are not
ones I will soon forget. They were
awesome kids.
So then on Sunday, we got to formally
teach all of Lesson 1 to Art. He knows the lesson about just as well as
we do, but it was his first time hearing it as a lesson, and it still provided
us with a good opportunity to better understand him, and help him with life
application and all. October 20 is now a set Baptismal date for him.
After church we met with Tommy and taught him lesson 3. He had heard
it a while ago and since he’s been coming to church for months (like Art)
he had a good idea about all the things. We talked about baptismal
A young man gave a great talk on
Sunday. He is a convert of about 2-3
years now I think. The gospel really
helped him get through a hard time. He
talked about the way he felt after his
baptism and how truly amazing it was, and that he couldn’t have ever imagined
it being so great. The Spirit was so strong. Right now he is
preparing for his mission.
We also have been making some less active
visits (met some very interesting people), but one was a real success. Then
Sunday to our surprise we saw him at church! We also got to talk with F some
more, I think she will come to church on Sunday. She’s always fun to talk
to, she has a very strong testimony of God's love and prayer.
So on Friday night, we were making less
active visits in an apartment complex. We had a visit that went well
(with a guy from Africa named C I’m also
excited about), and as we were leaving we saw some guys playing basketball on
the apartment blacktop. One guy was leaving and we talked to him for a
minute. He was like 6'4-5, 30 some year old. He introduced himself and said we should come
play. So Saturday night we had had just
finished a service thing with a member, and were in the area in our Pday
clothes, so we stopped by to play for 30 minutes. One team was stacked so
they never had to sit, and so we were playing them first. It was 4s, and
the other team had the best players there. First game, to 11 we won,
Elder Mendez and I combined for 9, and they were shocked. It was so
fun. The next game they got to keep their best two guys and we got half
way through, when a fight a broke out over an accidental elbow on a
rebound. One guy was held back by everyone, and the other
started throwing these gallon jugs, started screaming he was about to get his gun so he could "have some lead to throw" and started running
towards his apartment. The whole park cleared out, but we got to talk to a few
for a minute, they apologized for the idiots (the ones that are good aren’t
dumb enough to fight over that kinda stuff), and told us to come back. We
plan on doing that today because it’s PDay. The two that got in a fight
were on the same team, so I think they were just frustrated about losing to us.
But for James, (you’d get this) there was this one guy who
was there named dre on the other team, but imagine if Melo was 4 inches taller,
could jump, had agility in the paint, and had about the best jump shot you’ve
ever seen...basically best I’ve ever played with. But yeah, so we might go
again today, maybe we can get someone to play in the mornings. It was disappointing it ended how it
did. (oh and they went nuts when I dunked)
So in Vegas there are people that push
stolen shopping carts down the street, with a horn on it, and out of them they
sell these like corn popsicles. They look so gross, it’s an ear of corn on a
stick dunked in mayonnaise and chili...from a shopping cart! So the other day
Elder Mendez bought one, (I just got a vanilla snow cone), but so the guy takes
the corn out of a container, pops the stick in it, rolls it around in some
butter, dips it in mayonnaise, sprinkles parmesan cheese on it, and dips in
some like chili powder. The mayonnaise and all isn’t kept in a container
so its hot and drippy, and the guys all sweaty. The worst possible thing
to eat in a hot dessert. The guy spoke basically no English, but Elder
Mendez has 8 years of Spanish, so he could make basic communication. He
said it was really good though, so I don’t know. Least refreshing popsicle
I ever saw.
Oh and about the hot dessert, our basement
is a furnace now. We have an atomic clock with a thermometer on it for
indoors, and it recently ran out of battery and froze. So we know at 1220
am on Saturday morning, it was 78.2 in the big basement room, and its always
hotter in our bedroom. And we didn’t even think it was that hot then, we
both really noticed we were sweating Sunday night and this morning. It’s
crazy, were gonna have to do something about that.
So I don’t have a whole lot of time left,
so I’ll try to get to individual emails, but we'll see.
I love you all so much!
Love, Elder Pyron
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